IP Customisation



Based on the original visual features and essence of the client’s brand IP, we create key thematic graphic elements and products. From these we fashion the designs which fit the native mainstream culture. We want our work to not only enhance the interconnectedness of the brand IP with local culture, but also demonstrate our committed perseverance to retaining brand's key principles and culture.




There are some Visual & package design for different brand of the UNilever.


为孩之宝旗下多个IP 形象進行本土再化創作的案例

Hasbro Design department found us to make a product design project.


与天猫双十一2020合作,为Hasbro旗下著名IP 变形金刚设计视觉插画海报

the iconic "cat head" poster projects for Tmall.com 11.11 crossover with Transformers